Mind Mapping for Education

How to learn more efficiently ? How not to forget things on the long run ? How to get ready for the exams ? Here is the Five Steps Method I am deve…
linguafranca 29/09/2013 18:35:46
In 1993 Adam Robinson, Co-founder of the Princeton Review, wrote a book called What Smart Students Know. The remarkable thing about this book is that …
cbrown 04/07/2008 21:37:37
Mind mapping uses in academia. Read full post here: http://conciselearning.com/mindmappingforstudents.html.
tonikrasnic 06/11/2010 11:54:36
Mind map outlining some basic tips for studying, created using MindGenius
jamiemac 16/09/2014 11:07:28
This mindmap outlines basic and more advanced studying techniques that anyone can employ to their usage.
anzy.snp 17/01/2010 20:00:07
This is a mind map I used recently to deliver a short presentation to university students, showing them how mind mapping could help them with three of…
liamhughes 30/09/2013 20:25:09
This is a mind map I used recently to deliver a short presentation to university students, showing them how mind mapping could help them with three of…
liamhughes 30/09/2013 20:25:09
Que peut-on faire avec le minmapping à l'école ? Une petite mindmap pour illustrer l'utilisation de la carte heuristique dans le ca…
linguafranca 17/02/2012 12:30:21
3e etape de notre methode pour etudier efficacement : la reactivation. Le mindmapping est une des techniques privilegiees de cette etape, mais ce n'e…
linguafranca 16/04/2012 07:07:06
Especially during this challenging year, personal journaling is a great practice for health and mindfulness. In this session with Hilary Grosskopf, a …
Hilary Grosskopf
Andreas has written books showing how to use MindManager mind mapping software to best visualize and share ideas and information. In this webinar he w…
Andreas Lercher
In this webinar, Mike Schmitz (thesweetsetup.com) will show how he uses mind mapping software to take notes and create mind map summaries of the books…
Mike Schmitz
With exam season around the corner, this webinar will share some ways that mind mapping can help students of all ages with their studying, and exam pr…
Liam Hughes
In this webinar, Jim Franklin will share best practices and lessons learned in creating an online course for Project Management. Discover how to use m…
Jim Franklin
A software engineer's view on using a network of linked mind maps as mental leverage for personal planning, learning, reflection and memory organizati…
Antti Halla
This webinar will assist teachers and anyone interested (Parents most especially) in how to teach children mind mapping. It will highlight the type of…
Suleiman Shaibu
Peter seeks to inspire or help teachers and students in their schools. He uses mind maps a lot to prepare, teach, summarize, and brainstorm. He will s…
Peter te Riele
Do you wish you could get your boss or colleagues to use mind mapping? Join Jamie Nast, NastGroup Inc., for a simple non-threatening 1-hour introducti…
Jamie Nast
Traditional teaching/learning tools and methods do not suit all learners in the same way. For students who learn differently because of a disability/l…
Deirdre Madden
As well as being an amazing storyteller, Shakespeare was a master of the English language. Shakespeare belongs to everyone. He was writing for everyon…
Graham Smith
In this webinar, Rosario will explain the multiple uses of Mind Maps for students from 8 years old to university level and the way they can help maxim…
Rosario Peniche
Dr Pablo Buitron will be sharing his experience of helping people to understand the causes and mechanisms of their illness through Health Mind Mapping…
Dr. Pablo Buitron
In this webinar, Hannah will discuss the benefits of mindmapping when teaching in both primary and secondary schools. She will focus on educating bili…
Hannah Wayne
During the summer of 2020, during the Covid pandemic, Sean taught his son how to mind map his favourite heroes, places and events and it turned into …
Sean Mitton
Join this Biggerplate webinar to learn about the numerous ways that MindMeister can help business founders and startup teams to brainstorm, plan, proj…
Liam Hughes
Learning a new language involves listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar, and new vocabulary. In this session, Tuba Kizilkan (Turkey) will s…
Tuba Kızılkan
Peter seeks to inspire or help teachers and students in their schools. He uses mind maps a lot to prepare, teach, summarize, and brainstorm. He will s…
Peter te Riele
Deirdre will show how you can use a mind map to plan and structure written work, exporting it to a word processor, then use speech-to-text software to…
Deirdre Madden
Based on her 12 years of experience in teaching and mentoring youth, Subra strongly believes in the need to redefine the way the teaching-learning pro…
Dr Subra Mukherjee
Rosario will show why students of all ages should use mind maps to enable their learning at school and university. She will explain how mind mapping c…
Rosario Peniche
Brian will explore how mind maps can be used to organize lectures, webinars, and online meetings. Learn how you can use a variety of media assets in y…
Brian Friedlander
Tatiana will explore the many applications of mind mapping in the virtual learning arena. She will share a selection of case studies showing how she u…
Tatiana Torres
Brainstorming, planning and executing a big writing project can be quite intimidating. But mind mapping software, combined with the right process, can…
Chuck Frey
Deirdre will show how you can use a mind map to plan and structure written work, exporting it to a word processor, then use speech-to-text software to…
Deirdre Madden
Subra Mukherjee has been using mind mapping to enable her own academic writing for many years as well as teaching others how to make their writing eas…
Dr Subra Mukherjee
Lyra Gomez is an ardent mind mapper and discovered how this world-class thinking tool made creative nonfiction writing less formidable. In this sessio…
Lyra Gomez
Harjit Singh has published complex and comprehensive books on project management. He will share how mind maps were instrumental in enabling his planni…
Harjit Singh
Based on his book “Live Life Colorfully” Maneesh Dutt will cover how Mind Maps helped the author pen the book and step by step instructions on how to …
Maneesh Dutt
Graham Smith is involved in an innovative pilot project that uses Mind Maps to gain deep insights into literature to enable understanding and learning…
Graham Smith
Mind mapping ignites and organizes your thought-leadership; podcasting brings it to life. In this session, Kirk Lowe shares why he thinks mind mapping…
Kirk Lowe
In this session Liam will explore a practical set of reusable mind map templates to support essential marketing activities, including campaign and con…
Liam Hughes
For over twenty years, Mark Edwards has used mind maps in various ways in business and personal pursuits. In business, Mark has used mind mapping fo…
Mark Edwards
In this session Tuba Kizilkan explores mind mapping templates that are invaluable for teachers in preparing, delivering and assessing lessons, and stu…
Tuba Kızılkan
Daniel Rasmus will discuss how to use mind mapping to create a syllabus that can easily adapt to different instructional modalities and aid in the con…
Daniel Rasmus
During this session, you will discover how Philippe Packu turns Mind Maps into a practical tool for success. Mind Mapping has many virtues but when it…
Philippe Packu
Liam shares his experiments in using mind mapping to support active reading of books and other written materials. Liam shows how mind mapping helps hi…
Liam Hughes
The challenge is to increase website traffic. The key is a strategic SEO plan. Sean Mitton will discuss how Mind Mapping and Search Engine Optimizatio…
Sean Mitton
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