Biggerplate Unplugged, London 2013 | Biggerplate

Biggerplate Unplugged: January 31st 2013, London, UK

Mind mappers from around the UK and Europe gathered together in London for the very first mind map conference from Biggerplate, bringing together software developers, software users, bloggers, trainers, and experts for a unique exploration of the mind mapping industry.

A very big thank you to all those who helped to get the Biggerplate Unplugged series off to such a great start in London!

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Speakers and presentations

Liam Hughes, Biggerplate

Conference Welcome

Biggerplate founder Liam Hughes welcomes attendees to Biggerplate Unplugged in London, the first conference dedicated entirely to mind mapping! Liam outlines the vision for the Unplugged event series, and the wider goal of becoming the best source of mind mapping content and community in the world

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Chris Griffiths, ThinkBuzan

Modernising Mind Mapping: The Buzan Legacy

ThinkBuzan's Chris Griffiths talks about negotiating the marriage between Tony Buzan's hand-drawn mind maps, and the needs of a new, technologically fluent generation.

Nick Duffill, Harport Consulting

Communicating with Small Mind Maps

Nick Duffill presenting at the first Biggerplate Unplugged mind mapping conference in London. Nick outlines an alternative design for maps when the focus is on communicating and explaining ideas.

View Nick's presentation mind map

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Andrew Wilcox, Cabre

Search Friendly Mind Maps

Andrew looks at how to help get your maps found by Google and therefore your intended audience. By conducting a short experiment with a map, Andrew illustrates how Google reads and interprets mind maps on websites, and how this impacts search results

Craig Scott, creator of iThoughts

Touchy Feely Mind Mapping

Craig Scott from iThoughts talks about his experiences building one of the first mind map tools designed solely for mobile and touch based input. Craig also discusses how the arrival of iPads and tablet devices is likely to play a significant role in taking mind mapping towards 'mainstream' status.

Jim Mather, Gael/MindGenius

Mind Mapping and the Mainstream

Jim Mather talks of his experience of using mind mapping software as a member of parliament in Scotland, and how it can help to breakdown communication barriers and enhance collaboration.

Steve Rothwell, Elstar Consulting

Creating Documents with Mind Mapping Software

Steve talks through an end-to-end process which can help you get the best results from exporting mind maps into document format.

John Barber, Mindjet

Mind Mapping and Beyond

John talks about the evolution of collaboration and sharing, and where mind mapping fits within this picture. John also shares some thoughts as to where the continued trend towards content, collaboration and sharing may take mind mapping in relation to people and their daily working routines.

Thomas Thornton, MindMeister

Mind Mapping in Education

Thomas talks about ways to introduce mind mapping in education, and the importance of this happening if mind maps are to become mainstream tools in business.

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