Mednoye,Tver Oblast, Kalininsky District,Russia

Mednoye,Tver Oblast, Kalininsky District,Russia

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MindManager Map added Tue, Aug 25, 2020
via web

Mednoye,Tver Oblast, Kalininsky District,Russia

info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
Created using: MindManager
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
Tags: World Mednoye Tver Oblast Kalininsky District Russia about this map introduction Tver Oblast Kalininsky District Tver Oblast Mednoye Tver Oblast Vladimir Putin Mikhail Mishustin Valentina Matviyenko Vyacheslav Volodin Vyacheslav Lebedev Moscow Moskwa Miednoje Kalinin Twer Katyń Katyn Katyn massacre 1940 Mieczysław Domagalski Wojciech Korsak Mindjet MindManager Mikhail Kalinin Bolshevik Communist Party Soviet Union Stalin Saint Petersburg Joseph Stalin Ostaszków Echelon Prism Global Hawks Spectrum satellite communication directed energy weapon brain stimulation beams weapon brain atlas cognition laser doppler vibrometr emotions emotion EEG object recognition voice recognition text to voice voice to text killing list drone system machine learning Tusk Komorowski Xanax WSI FSB KGB NKVD gestapo SS Adolf Hitler emotion bot streamline algorythm programmers programming music muzyka piwko płyty tortureware torture massacre darkness SWPS psychology sample mixed reality gaslightning dzień świra "jesteś mordercą/zabójcą" deep learning deep change inception mind control MKUltra spectr-R excel HUMint SIGint TECHint ELint OSint MEDint MASSint intelligence deception target system brain implants signal function lock jaw electrical shocking new world order "już ci nie stanie" głęboka stymulacja mózgu prądem zmiennym i stałym MSWiA PsyOps PsyWars Airborne mafia cyber stalking intel mafia NATO European Union "dajcie nam jego nie zrobimy wam nic złego" "nie ma chuja w WSI" piramid of needs emotional wheel by Pluchtnik biologiczne podstawy psychologii emocje wtórne i pierwotne social media odrealnionowość VR virtual reality augmenty reality digital battlefield game wicked game tortury art.40 konstytucji zawsze nigdy NLP zrób z siebie ofiarę "nie wytrzymasz tego wykońćzymy cie psychiczne" 2015.03.18 "znamy sie na #" "brzydkie koszulki "można się na tobie zawieźć" "i co na to


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