List of ambassadors of the United States to Poland

List of ambassadors of the United States to Poland

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MindManager Map added Mon, Jul 6, 2020
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List of ambassadors of the United States to Poland

info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
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Tags: List of ambassadors of the United States to Poland about this map Hugh S. Gibson – Career FSO Alfred J. Pearson – Political appointee John B. Stetson Jr. – Political appointee Note: From 1930 onward the U.S. envoy to Poland had the rank of ambassador. Alexander P. Moore – Political appointee President Hoover nominated Moore as ambassador but Moore died before taking the oath of office. John N. Willys – Political appointee Ferdinand Lammot "Mot" Belin – Career FSO Note: President Roosevelt nominated James Michael Curley for the post in 1933 but withdrew the nomination before the Senate acted upon it. John Cudahy – Political appointee Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Jr. – Political appointee Wartime Notes: Arthur Bliss Lane – Career FSO Stanton Griffis – Political appointee Waldemar J. Gallman – Career FSO Joseph Flack – Career FSO Joseph E. Jacobs – Career FSO Jacob D. Beam – Career FSO John M. Cabot – Career FSO John A. Gronouski – Political appointee Walter J. Stoessel Jr. – Career FSO Richard T. Davies – Career FSO William E. Schaufele Jr. – Career FSO Francis J. Meehan – Career FSO Note: The following officers served as Chargé d'Affaires ad interim: Herbert E. Wilgis Jr. (February–July 1983); and John R. Davis Jr. (September 1983–January 1987). Davis was appointed as Chargé d'Affaires on January 9 1987 and subsequently appointed as ambassador. John R. Davis Jr. – Career FSO Thomas W. Simons Jr. – Career FSO Nicholas Andrew Rey – Political appointee Daniel Fried – Career FSO Christopher R. Hill – Career FSO Victor Henderson Ashe – Political appointee Lee A. Feinstein – Political appointee Stephen Mull – Career FSO Paul W. Jones – Career FSO Georgette Mosbacher Political appointee Polska Poland US USA Wałęsa Trzaskowski satellite communication Echelon Global Hawks OKNO Prism NASA ESA POLSA wywiad kontrwywiad intelligence spectrum spekt-r roscosmos cosmos PsyOps ELint TECHin


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