Presidents of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic (1946–present)

Presidents of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic (1946–present)

This mind map was made with MindManager. Visit MindManager

MindManager Map added Thu, Jul 16, 2020
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Presidents of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic (1946–present)

This is a blank template. This classic mindmap layout allows subtopics to be organized on both sides of the central topic.
Created using: MindManager
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
Tags: about this map introduction information Alcide De Gasperi Giuseppe Pella Amintore Fanfani Mario Scelba Antonio Segni Adone Zoli Amintore Fanfani Antonio Segni Fernando Tambroni Amintore Fanfani Giovanni Leone Aldo Moro Giovanni Leone Mariano Rumor Emilio Colombo Giulio Andreotti Mariano Rumor Aldo Moro Giulio Andreotti Francesco Cossiga Arnaldo Forlani Giovanni Spadolini Amintore Fanfani Bettino Craxi Amintore Fanfani Giovanni Goria Ciriaco De Mita Giulio Andreotti Giuliano Amato Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Silvio Berlusconi Lamberto Dini Romano Prodi Massimo D'Alema Giuliano Amato Silvio Berlusconi Romano Prodi Silvio Berlusconi Mario Monti Enrico Letta Matteo Renzi Paolo Gentiloni Giuseppe Conte Antonio Segni Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Enrico De Nicola Francesco Cossiga Giorgio Napolitano Giovanni Gronchi Giovanni Leone Giuseppe Saragat Luigi Einaudi Oscar Luigi Scalfaro Sandro Pertini Sergio Mattarella Adone Zoli Alcide De Gasperi Aldo Moro Amintore Fanfani Arnaldo Forlani Bettino Craxi Ciriaco De Mita Emilio Colombo Enrico Letta Fernando Tambroni Giovanni Goria Giovanni Spadolini Giuliano Amato Giulio Andreotti Giuseppe Conte Giuseppe Pella Lamberto Dini Mariano Rumor Mario Monti Mario Scelba Massimo D'Alema Matteo Renzi Paolo Gentiloni Romano Prodi Silvio Berlusconi mindmapping mindmap mindmaps software IT Wojciech Korsak Mindjet MindManager Italy Europe Europa Świat World edukacja education brain human human engineering BCI closed loop brain stimulation NLP biometrics RODO feedback biofeedback deep deep change


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