Food Pyramid

Food Pyramid

This mind map was made with MindManager. Visit MindManager

MindManager Map added Mon, Feb 21, 2011
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Food Pyramid

Daniel is a senior at the University of South Florida, and did his summer at a large automotive company in southeastern Michigan. One of his first assignments his manager gave him was to read the Idea Mapping book. I met Daniel in June and he was already becoming a huge fan and user of MindManager.
One of Daniel’s learnings was how to live on his, so he created the food pyramid map because when he first got to Michigan he had no idea what he needed to eat everyday. Because he does lots of sports including triathalons, he wanted to eat healthy. He went online to a government site on health and diets and found the food pyramid. Daniel decided to make it into an idea map since it is easier to read, and he could easily point out the pictures in order to see what he needed for a healthy diet. He also had the foods he ate most next to each category so he could remember what he needed to get at the grocery. He put this map on the refrigerator and it helped him follow a healthy diet for the 3 months that he was in Michigan.
Created using: MindManager
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.


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