Federal Penitentiary Service in Russia

Federal Penitentiary Service in Russia

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MindManager Map added Sun, Aug 2, 2020
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Federal Penitentiary Service in Russia

info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
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To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
Tags: World Russia Rosja Vladimir Putin Putin about this map intro information Main tasks and authorities History Management Population Facilities See also: Saturn (detachment) - special purpose unit of FSIN's Moscow department nicknamed the "Jail Spetsnaz" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_(detachment) Zhitnaya Street 14 Yakimanka District Central Administrative Okrug Moscow Gennady Kornienko Director Minister responsible: Konstantin Chuychenko Константин Чуйченко Ministry of Justice Yuri Kalinin (2004-2009) Alexander Reimer (2009-2012) - appointed by President Dmitry Medvedev the first to head the federal prison system without previous service. Gennady Korienko (2012–present) - appointed by President Vladimir Putin.[2] Belozersky District Vologda Oblast Elban Khabarovsk Krai Solikamsk Perm Krai Ivdel Sverdlovsk Oblast Torbeyevo Mordovia Sol-Iletsk Orenburg Oblast Kharp Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Zubovo-Polyansky District Mordovia Segezha Karelia Lgov Kursk Oblast Ognenny Ostrov Огненный остров ("Pyatak/Volgoda Nickel") Snowflake (ru) Snezhinka Снежинка White Swan Belyy Lebed Белый лебедь Black Golden Eagle (ru) Chyorniy berkut Чёрный беркут Torbeyev Central (ru) Torbeyevskiy tsentral Торбеевский_централ Black Dolphin Chyorniy delʹfin Чёрный дельфин Arctic Owl (ru) Polyarnaya sova Полярная сова Mordovian Zone (ru) Mordovskaya zona Мордовская зона Segezha Correctional Colony (ru) Segezhskaya ispavitel'naya koloniya Сегежская исправительная колония Lgov Prison L'govskaya koloniya Льго́вская коло́ния mindmapping mindmap mindmaps targeting system GEOint DEWint MASSint intelligence KGB FSB NKVD MEDint remote sensing machine clsoed loop brain stimulation AI artificial intelligence programming programmers METEOint ELint tECHint education visual communication management diagram chart Wojciech Korsak Mindjet MindManager MKultra NLP laser doppler vibrometr electronical harassment NATO


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