Visualising Decisions

Visualising Decisions

This mind map was made with iMindMap. Visit iMindMap

iMindMap Map added Sun, May 10, 2015
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Visualising Decisions

Visualising Decisions Making good decisions is a key leadership skill, how you go about making a decision can involve as many choices as the decision itself. Part of doing this is determining the most efficient and effective means of reaching the decision. The mapping visualises and assists in the key stages of any decision making process: Stage 1 Using the Detail branch define and clarify the issue - consider the questions; these will help you to gather all relevant facts and information and understand issue causes. Stage 2 Think about possible options and solutions. Record each option on a branch (adding additional branches if required). Stage 3 Consider and record on the sibling branches the pros and cons of each option. Compare the pros and cons of each option – give each a score out of 10. This scoring will allow you to then produce a comparative total of the pros and cons for each option and select the best choice. Remember you can always use notes or audio notes to record your thought processes and reasons for scoring. Any additional elements like supporting documents can also be attached to the mapping along with inserted spreadsheets for costs etc. Stage 4 Select the best option and the use. Remember you can use the mapping to explain your decision to those involved and affected, and follow up to ensure proper and effective implementation. ©2011, Puzzlebox Potential Limited - Visualising Decision Making. email: web: Tel: 0845 521 5557
Created using: iMindMap
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.


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