Apple's Innovations 2013

Apple's Innovations 2013

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MindManager Map added Tue, Nov 5, 2013
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Apple's Innovations 2013

*Apple's Innovations 2013*

This map was created by THOMAS UNTERSTENHOEFER (blogging on with the app iThoughts HD for the iPad (by Craig Scott, UK).

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Over time people may forget what happened this year.
So here is an overview of Apple's innovation highlights in 2013.
We saw disappointment published in many media but in my opinion there is no reason to accept this assessment. A close look on the details e.g. 64-Bit processing, weight of the iPad Air, iSight technique, hellish performance of Mac Pro, M7 Motion processor, iWork for iCloud, etc. are important steps forward. Long-term development, innovative ideas, and hard work of all the *capable technicians of Apple* made the year 2013 to one of the highlights in Apple's history.

*That all is only possible if a company is driven by a DNA, created by Steve Jobs, Tim Cook and a great team which absorbed philosophy and strategy of the company.*

It's not a question of specs when it comes to assess the products of companies, it's the whole environment in which the products are embedded.

Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets and society.
*An innovation is something original, new, and important - in whatever field - that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society.*
Innovation differs from invention in that
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Category: Library > Parent > Child
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