Federation Council (Russia)

Federation Council (Russia)

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MindManager Map added Tue, Jul 14, 2020
via web

Federation Council (Russia)

info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
Created using: MindManager
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
Tags: World Russia Rosja politics business Putin Vladimir Putin Federation Council about this map introduction information Elections Powers Committees Chairpeople of the Federation Council Presidential Envoys to the Federation Council List of members of the Federation Council (Russia) mindmapping mindmap mindmaps Wojciech Korsak Mindjet MindManager software IT NLP satellite communication knowledge map stimulation closed loop brain stimulation biometrics biomarkers biofeedback interface computer brain brain mind Oleg Seleznyov Alexander Karlin Vladimur Poletayev Ivan Abramov Viktor Pavlenko Alexander Bashkin Lilia Gumerova Nikolai Ryzhkov Sergei Kalashnikov Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn Suleiman Geremeyev Margarita Pavlova Anna Otke Nikolai Fedorov Olga Kovitidi Iliyas Umakhanov Mukharbek Barakhoyev Vyacheslav Markhayev Valery Vasilyev Vacant Arsen Kanokov Oleg Tkach Aleksey Orlov Anatoly Artamonov Boris Nevzorov Krym Kazanokov Alexander Rakitin Alexei Sinitsyn Yelena Greshnyakova Valery Usatiuk Eduard Isakov Viktor Bondarev Dimitry Shatokhin Nikolai Zhuravlev Alexey Kondratenko Andrey Klishas Yelena Perminova Alexander Mikhailov Igor Fomin Oleg Korolyov Anatoly Shirokov Konstantin Kosachev Sergei Kislyak Alexey Russkikh Vladimir Kozhin Konstantin Dolgov Olga Starostina Vladimir Lebedev Taimuraz Mamsurov Sergey Mitin Vladimir Gorodetsky Yelena Mizulina Yelena Afanasyeva Vladimir Krugly Alexei Dmitriyenko Andrei Klimov Svetlana Goryacheva Yelena Bibikova Vladimir Lakunin Oleg Kovalyov Yegor Borisov Grigory Karasin Farit Mukhametshin Sergei Arenin Valery Kulikov Franz Klintsevich Valentina Matviyenko Sergey Melikov Eduard Rossel Alexei Kondratyev Oleg Morozov Viktor Kress Dmitry Savelyev Lyudmila Narusova Vladimir Lukin Pavel Tarakanov Lyubov Glebova Vadim Kharlov Alexander Pronyushkin Nikolai Semisotov Yelena Avdeyev


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