The Warsaw Treaty Organization (Warsaw Pact) 14 May 1955-1 July 1991

The Warsaw Treaty Organization (Warsaw Pact) 14 May 1955-1 July 1991

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MindManager Map added Wed, Dec 18, 2019
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The Warsaw Treaty Organization (Warsaw Pact) 14 May 1955-1 July 1991

info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
Created using: MindManager
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
Tags: The Warsaw Treaty Organization Układ Warszawski about this map information introduction Structure Affiliations Strategy Cold War People's Socialist Republic of Albania People's Republic of Bulgaria Czechoslovak Socialist Republic East Germany Hungarian People's Republic Polish People's Republic Socialist Republic of Romania Soviet Union USSR ZSSR NATO Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland PRL Romania mindmapping mindmap mindmaps Mindjet MindManager knowledge map education history historia Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Leonid Brezhnev Yuri Andropov Konstantin Chernenko Mikhail Gorbachev Vladimir Ivashko Yevgeny Shaposhnikov Vladimir Lobov Mikhail Moiseev Nicolae Ceaușescu Constantin Dăscălescu Vasile Milea Constantin Olteanu Wojciech Jaruzelski Henryk Jabłoński Józef Cyrankiewicz Marian Spychalski Edward Ochab Mieczysław Rakowski Stanisław Kania Edward Gierek Władysław Gomułka Bolesław Bierut Tadeusz Mazowiecki Czesław Kiszczak Mieczysław Rakowski Zbigniew Messner Michał Rola-Żymierski Marian Spychalski Florian Siwicki Brunó Ferenc Straub Ferenc Kárpáti István Oláh Rainer Eppelmann Theodor Hoffmann Heinz Kessler Egon Krenz Erich Honecker Lothar de Maizière Hans Modrow Milán Václavík Martin Dzúr Ladislav Adamec Lubomír Štrougal Marián Čalfa Gustáv Husák Yordan Mutafchiev Dobri Dzhurov Petar Mladenov Andrey Lukanov Georgi Atanasov Petar Mladenov Kiço Mustaqi Ndriçim Karakaçi Cold War Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Warsaw Warszawa Polska Poland


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