

This mind map was made with MindManager. Visit MindManager

MindManager Map added Mon, Apr 18, 2011
via web


The NEGOTIATION mind map was created by WikiSummarizer application based on the top 10 Wikipedia articles about NEGOTIATION. WikiSummarizer is an automatic knowledge mining and mind mapping Web application build by Context Discovery Inc. For more information about using automated summarization and mind mapping technology please contact
Created using: MindManager
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: Copyright ©Henry Lewkowicz Some Rights Reserved. This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Link


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Hi, If you would like to try our new beta WikiSummarizer here is the link: Your comments will be greatly appreciated, Cheers from Ottawa
Henry, thanks for the explanation, it's an impressive application, well done!
Hi, Many thanks for you kind comments! Let me share some of the reasoning behind the mind map creation process. We developed summarization application that we apply for text mining and mind map generation. This an automatic process without human intervention. The software identifies the most relevant key phrases and related content (summary). The output is RTF and mind manager files; other formats could be added. When the users import the map they can shape it according to their needs. The original output from WikiSummarizer is “Right Map”. I use “Split Tree” to fit it into my blog format and I know that this is not a popular rendition. With respect to adding colors and images, this is really up to the users. Our focus is on knowledge mining and rapid conversion from text to maps and summaries; after this the user decides what content is needed and what form the map should have. Of course the WikiSummarizer technology is not limited only to summarizing the Wikipedia pages. Actually any URL, and most document formats, Google search results, RSS feeds, and content management documents are processable by the application. If you would like to have a look at WikiSummarizer I will be happy to provide you access to our testing site. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your thoughts, Cheers from Ottawa, Henry
The content of these summary maps is great, and the add-in obviously does a good job! I wonder though whether the maps could use more colour and images, and a more traditional mind map layout? Otherwise they might just appear to be slightly reorganised linear text rather than a mind map? Ignorning the Buzan "one word rule" is fine (in my opinion) but perhaps the content could be broken down and formatted a bit more, in order to make it more 'brain friendly' and easier to absorb. Thanks for sharing this great content!

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