Logistics Flow Chart

Logistics Flow Chart
XMind Map added Fri, Dec 11, 2015
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Logistics Flow Chart

Created using: Xmind
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: ©2015 Sanjot Rai. All Rights Reserved.
Tags: warehouse cape dorset airport moscow airport importing company to get from the manufacturing facility to the company warehouse truck freight would be the most effective and ideal method of transportation. nunavut for the majority is a collection of islands. cape dorset is located on one of those islands so rail freight is not an option. that leaves air freight or truck freight. air freight would be very expensive just to move the product to a warehouse so truck freight is the most reasonable option. the product will be placed in high quality containers and secured onto pallets to ensure they are not damaged the manufacturing facility located in cape dorset nunavut is where the product is being produced the warehouse is where the product will be held until there is a plane available to take a shipment of the product to moscow once a plane is available truck freight will take the product to the cape dorset airport at the cape dorset airport the products will be loaded onto the planes and kept in their containers and still secured to pallets to ensure they are not damaged the air freight will transport the product from cape dorset airport to moscow airport the product will land at the moscow airport and there it will be picked up by truck freight. truck freight will pick up the product from moscow airport and take it to the company that is importing the software the company importing the software will receive it via truck freight and ownership of the product is then passed onto them. since the software is expensive (presumably) both companies want to ensure the delivery of the product. the exporting company wants to ensure that the product has been received by the importing company as they are liable for the shipment until it gets to the destination. the importers want to ensure that they get the expensive product that they paid for. they may also need to track the product so they can plan the next steps they want to take


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