Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia)

Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia)

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MindManager Map added Thu, Feb 6, 2020
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Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Russia)

info map made in Mindjet MindManager based on wikipedia
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Tags: World media communication satellite digital ministry about this map introduction Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation info Roskomnadzor Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере связи информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций Federal Service for Supervision of Communications Information Technology and Mass Media Rospechat Федеральное агентство по печати и массовым коммуникациям России Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Rossvyaz Министерство связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации Russian Federal Communications Agency Ministry of Digital Development Communications and Mass Media mindmapping mindmap mindmaps visual knowledge management information map Moscow Russia Rosja Moskwa Mikhail Mishustin Vladimir Putin State Duma Igor Shchyogolev Nikolay Nikiforov Konstantin Noskov Maxut Shadayev Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (2004-2008) Ministry of Communications and Informatics (1999-2004) Ministry of Communications (1946-1991) People's Commissariat for Communications of the USSR (1932-1946) People's Commissariat for Posts and Telegraphs of the USSR (1923-1932) People's Commissariat for Posts and Telegraphs of the RSFSR (1917-1923) Government of Russia Tverskaya 7 Moscow Roskomnadzor Rospechat Rossvyaz GitHub Russian Wikipedia wikipedia neo-Nazi The Daily Stormer Telegram Amazon Google The New York Times Crimea Crisis Ukraine Alexei Navalny Kasparov Amazon Web Services censorship Aleksandr Zharov Dmitry Milovantsev Andrey Beskorovainy Valeriy Bugaenko Oleg G. Dukhovnitsky Mikhail Seslavinsky Mindjet MindManager Wojciech Korsak education politics business radio video biometrics RODO interface


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