
Added: 2014-10-01
Created with: ConceptDraw
This mindmap is created in ConceptDraw MindMap based on CD PRO solution.
This mindmap is created in ConceptDraw MindMap based on CD PRO solution.
Tags: 3-phase 3-wire winding delta or meshed connection grounded 3-phase winding open delta connection 3-phase winding open delta connection grounded 3-phase winding open delta connection grounded 3-phase winding open delta connection 3-phase winding 4-wire delta connection 3-phase winding 4-wire delta connection grounded 3-phase winding wye or star connection 3-phase winding wye or star connection grounded 3-phase winding wye or star connection neutral brought out 3-phase winding zigzag connection 3-phase winding zigzag connection grounded 3-phase winding 4-wire connection 3-phase winding 4-wire connection grounded 3-phase winding 4-wire connection neutral brought out 4-phase winding 4-phase winding grounded 4-phase winding neutral brought out 6-phase winding double star connection 6-phase winding double star connection grounded 6-phase winding double star connection 6-phase winding double star connection grounded 6-phase winding double delta connection 6-phase winding polygon connection 6-phase winding fork connection 6-phase winding fork connection neutral special connector / cable indicator coaxial symbol 3-phase winding scott or t connection 3-phase winding v (60 deg) connection 2-phase winding 4-wire connection grounded 2-phase winding 4-wire connection 2-phase winding 3-wire connection separated grounded 2-phase winding 3-wire connection grounded 2-phase winding 3-wire connection separated 2-phase winding 3-wire connection 3 separate windings interconnect 3 separate windings interconnect 3 separate windings interconnect 3 separate windings multiple-phase windings interconnect multiple-phase windings interconnect multiple-phase windings multiple-phase windings auxiliary symbol neutral (conductor) negative polarity positive polarity radiation ionizing coherent radiation non-ionizing coherent radiation ionizing radia
Created with: ConceptDraw
Categories: Productivity,
Language: None
Copyright: To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
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