Chronology of Soviet secret police agencies

Added: 2020-04-09
Created with: MindManager
info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
info map based on wikipedia made in Mindjet MindManager
Tags: about this map intro Cheka February 6 1922: Cheka transforms into GPU a department of the NKVD of the Russian SFSR. NKVD November 15 1923: GPU leaves the NKVD and becomes all-union OGPU under direct control of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. OGPU July 10 1934: NKVD of the Russian SFSR ceases to exist and transforms into the all-union NKVD of the USSR; OGPU becomes GUGB ("Main Directorate for State Security") in the all-union NKVD. NKVD February 3 1941: The GUGB of the NKVD was briefly separated out into the NKGB then merged back in and then on April 14 1943 separated out again. NKGB NKVD NKGB March 18 1946: All People's Commissariats were renamed to Ministries. MGB The East German secret police the Stasi took their name from this iteration. KI May 30 1947: Official decision with the expressed purpose of "upgrading coordination of different intelligence services and concentrating their efforts on major directions". In the summer of 1948 the military personnel in KI were returned to the Soviet military to reconstitute foreign military intelligence service (GRU). KI sections dealing with the new East Bloc and Soviet émigrés were returned to the MGB in late 1948. In 1951 the KI returned to the MGB. March 5 1953: MVD and MGB are merged into the MVD by Lavrentiy Beria. MVD The 1954 ukase establishing the KGB. March 13 1954: Newly independent force became the KGB as Beria was purged and the MVD divested itself again of the functions of secret policing. After renamings and tumults the KGB remained stable until 1991. KGB In 1991 after the State Emergency Committee failed to overthrow Gorbachev and Yeltsin took over General Vadim Bakatin was given instructions to dissolve the KGB. In Russia today KGB functions are performed by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) the Federal Counterintelligence Service which later became the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (
Created with: MindManager
Categories: History,
Language: English,
Copyright: To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
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