Operation Uphold Democracy - military intervention

Added: 2018-07-03
Created with: ConceptDraw
based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Uphold_Democracy
based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Uphold_Democracy
Tags: Operation Uphold Democracy - military intervention the operation began with the alert ofunited statesand its allies for a forced entry into the island nation ofhaiti.u.s. navy u.s. coast guard andu.s. air forceelements staged topuerto ricoand southernfloridato prepare to support the airborne invasion spearheaded by elements of thejoint special operations command[1](hq 75th ranger regiment) followed by3rd special forces group theus army 7th transportation group(army watercraft and terminal elements) and the10th mountain division. some of these elements were staged out ofhunter army airfieldandguantanamo bay naval base. the 1st brigade of the 10th mountain division deployed to haiti aboard theu.s.s eisenhower.[2][3]the operation was directed by commander[who?] joint task force 120 (jtf-120) provided by commander carrier group two.[4] as these forces prepared to invade with the lead elements of the82nd airborne divisionalready in the air a diplomatic element led by former presidentjimmy carter u.s. senatorsam nunnand retired chairman of the joint chiefs of staff generalcolin powellpersuaded the leaders of haiti to step down and allow the elected officials to return to power. the main leader holding power wasgeneral joseph raoul cédrasand was the key focus of the delegation. general powell's personal relationship with cédras from when cédras was a student in theschool of the americasas a young officer played a significant role in the american delegation gaining an audience with the dictator and enabling the conduct of negotiations for approximately two weeks. despite the insistent diplomatic efforts of the american delegation and the insinuation that force would be used if required negotiations were at a virtual stalemate for the entire time with general cédras obstinately refusing to concede to the legitimacy of the democratic elections. as a final effort to force the dictator to step down without violence the delegation presente
Created with: ConceptDraw
Categories: History,
Language: English,
Copyright: To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
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