DARPA - Biological Circuitry That Drives Peak Performance and Resilience

Added: 2019-12-30
Created with: MindManager
info map based on DARPA web site - made in Mindjet MindManager
info map based on DARPA web site - made in Mindjet MindManager
Tags: World USA AMerica DARPA education technology brain interface programming human rights biometrics RODO tests about this map DARPA’s Measuring Biological Aptitude (MBA) program begins and ends with the men and women of the United States military. The program — first announced in January 2019 — centers on how service members can access the potential of their own biological systems to achieve peak results across a range of military specializations and aims for a detailed understanding of how measurement of those systems in real time can help service members perform at their maximum potential. If it succeeds MBA technologies will provide insights into how the Department of Defense can enhance and sustain readiness by improving training boost mission effectiveness speed recovery following missions and mitigate shortages of qualified candidates for highly specialized roles. “DARPA created the MBA program to help service members understand and achieve their innate biological potential as it relates to performance and resilience ” said program manager Eric Van Gieson. “We plan to deliver knowledge and tools that improve the outcomes of training scenarios support the formation of stronger mission teams and ensure that operations unfold with the best chances of success all the way through post-mission recovery. We’ll do this by providing service members with an ability to measure and make sense of the molecular systems that drive how the body and mind function and then help them use that information to improve throughout their careers.” The crux of MBA is correlating the externally observable physical behavioral and cognitive features and traits of highly successful specialized operators — their phenotypes — with measurable elements of their biology to understand and ultimately anticipate how they might perform in various situations over time; this information can then be used to improve training and development at an individual level. DARPA selected three teams t
Created with: MindManager
Categories: Science & Technology,
Language: English,
Copyright: To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
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