Mark W. SchaeferMarketing Rebellion

Added: 2020-01-31
Created with: MindManager
Mark Schaefer's Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins, chronicles the changes that have undermined the traditional advertiser's ability to control the message and the prospect's behavoir. . There are four sections to the book, plus an extensive group of resources in the last...
Mark Schaefer's Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins, chronicles the changes that have undermined the traditional advertiser's ability to control the message and the prospect's behavoir. . There are four sections to the book, plus an extensive group of resources in the last section: * Part 1: The Third Rebellion sets the stage with two chapters: The End of Control and All Things Human. * Part 2: The Constant Human Truths emphasizes the often overlooked human needs that are becoming more important than the previous 4 P's of marketing: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place. Chapters include: Love and the End of Loyalty, Belonging: The Greatest Human Need, Self-Interest and the Artisinal Brand, Value-based Marketing and the Search for Meaning, and "Respect Me: A Call for Consenual Marketing. * Part 3: Reaching the Unreachable. Between declining newspaper readership and ad-blockers on televisions and computers, it's become harder and harder for advertisers to reach their prospects. In its place, Mark Schaefer describes two techniques; one is A Manifesto for Human-Centered Marketing, the other is Your Customers Are Your Marketers. The challenge is for marketers to offer a compelling marketing experience, both before, and after, the buying experience. * Part 4: Marketing Reimagined. The future of marketing is described in chapters focusing on The Pathfinders, The Quantum Leap, and the Fourth Rebellion. A great deal of Marketing Rebellion's relevance and value is due to the extensive End Matter which includes the traditional Appendix and Acknowledge, with a description of how readers can Keep Learning About Marketing Rebellion, Endnotes, and an Index.
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