Interview Questions for Amy Morin, author, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

Added: 2015-02-19
Created with: MindManager
This is the Mindjet MindManager mind map I used when I interviewed bestselling author thought leader Amy Morin, author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do during a Published and Profitable interview. Our interview took place February 17, 2015. Amy Morin provided a candid and detaile...
This is the Mindjet MindManager mind map I used when I interviewed bestselling author thought leader Amy Morin, author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do during a Published and Profitable interview. Our interview took place February 17, 2015. Amy Morin provided a candid and detailed timeline of the steps she took between the time she created her original list of the 13 things mentally strong people don't do, the time her list went viral on the Internet, how she wrote the book, and the book's successful publication. Amy is now a weekly contributor to the Forbes blog and a Huffington Post contributor.
Tags: Interview questions Amy Morin Introduction Welcome to the latest Published and Profitable Author Thought Leader Call with bestselling nonfiction author Amy Morin author of 13 Things that Mentally Strong People Don't Do. This is Roger C. Parker the founder of Published and Profitable. My interview with Amy Morin Interview Feb 17 2015 Introduction Welcome to the call. Let's talk about your background. As a child were books an important part of your life? While growing up did you ever think you'd write a best-selling book? When did you become interested in psychology? Step 1: Planning your book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do You live in a small town in Maine .When did you begin developing a national presence through writing and blogging? Please share the story you tell about the origins of your book. Why 13 things and why the "opposite" approach in your book's title? What were benefits you personally hoped to gain? So what was the very first thing you did to make your book happen? How much time elapsed between creating your list and your book's publication? How did you view the pros and cons of trade publishing versus self-publishing? What were your criteria for attracting and selecting the right book publisher. Step 2: Writing 13 Things that Mentally Strong Authors Don't Do How much time did you have to write the book? What are your writing habits like? When do you write your book and how long are your writing sessions? Did you have a formal content plan for the internal structure of each of the chapters? Did you write the chapters in the sequence they appeared or did you jump around? Step 3: Promoting your bestselling 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do How long had you been blogging and guest blogging when you shared your list of the 13 things? Tell me why you used the word "things" in the title? How did you prepare for the launch of your book?
Created with: MindManager
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