Medicine Undergraduate MasterMindMap

Added: 2012-10-30
Created with: iMindMap
Biggerplate needs quality mindmaps on these topics. People need to collaborate/work together(in real time or asynchronously) Interested mindmappers mail me at : [email protected] There are many good sources on the internet and in our books. Let us combine our minds and Make mindmaps on eac...
Biggerplate needs quality mindmaps on these topics. People need to collaborate/work together(in real time or asynchronously) Interested mindmappers mail me at : [email protected] There are many good sources on the internet and in our books. Let us combine our minds and Make mindmaps on each of these topics. Ofcourse the MASTERMINDMAP is not complete. I must have missed out important topics. you could add them(thats why we need to work collaboratively) This is a mindmap of all the important questions(topics) that need to be covered in my college SRMC, Chennai. What I am planning for each topic 1. a review mindmap(summary) 2. a mindmap that collects information from different sources and keeps it in one place Sources could be : 1. internet(medscape,webmd,, ebooks at, wikipedia, others(you name it) 2. links to journals/clinical trials/articles from,ncbi,, 3. text from textbooks(davidsons, harrison's, others, u name it) 4. use of google images( to store a large collection of medical images. 5. graphics from books. 6. ipad/android apps(British medical journal best practice) BMJ best practice is best. Why use so many references? To make every topic understandable THOROUGHLY. AND WHEN THE MASTERMINDMAP IS COMPLETE WITH ALL THE TOPICS, THIS MASTERMINDMAP CAN BE USED FOR A VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TO TEACH ALL THE MEDICAL STUDENTS ACROSS THE GLOBE. When many minds come together to make the perfect note on every topic there is to study in Medical College(at undergraduate level), I believe it will make studying so much more fun/interactive. The mindmap summary could be used to review as a last minute revision map. While the comprehensive large map containing all the references could be used for research purposes. There are many causes to vitamin B12 like celiac disease and tons others. there is a tabular column in Davidson's Medicine but with no explanation as to why there will be b

This map features iMindMap software. Visit iMindMap website.

Created with: iMindMap
Categories: Health & Home,
Language: None
Copyright: To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.
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