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MindManager for Personal Productivity

Learn how MindManager can help you to plan and manage your personal productivity more effectively

In this short introduction, we look at some of the key challenges we face when trying to manage our productivity, and outline the objectives of this MindManager tutorial series!
Capture & Categorise (part 1)
Capture & Categorise (part 1)
In this MindManager tutorial, we'll start the process of capturing and categorising information and ideas to form the basis of our personal organiser mind map.
Capture & Categorise (part 2)
Capture & Categorise (part 2)
In this tutorial we show you how to capture more information in your MindManager mind maps using the Notes and Links function to create a second layer of information beneath the visual surface!
In this tutorial, we show you how to use both the structure of the mind map, and the features of MindManager to prioritise your ideas and information.
In this MindManager tutorial, we look at how to start planning our actions, and monitoring our progress across the many areas captured in our personal organiser mind map!
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